Academic Internships

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CICE programs are hiring!

See theTitans ASP and Jumpstart Opens in new window Opens in new window pages for details

Step-by-step instructions are provided for each major on the Academic Internship Information Cards pageOpens in new window . All the information you will need is on the academic information card for your major.

Be sure you have satisfied any University and department prerequisites, then follow the instructions on the information card to:

  • find a placement site,
  • complete the necessary CICE and departmental registration procedures, and,
  • enroll in the appropriate academic internship course through Titan Online or at CSUF Admissions (same procedures as for registering any other class).

If you do not meet the prerequisites but still wish to pursue an academic internship, contact CICE for alternatives.

It is your responsibility to track your hours and have them confirmed by your internship supervisor. See the sample timesheetPDF File , or use one provided by your class instructor.

Once you are enrolled in the academic internship course and registered your site placement using the CICE registration system, be sure you consult with the instructor for orientation session(s), course requirements, assignment deadlines etc. Most internship courses will  have a syllabus detailing assignments and reporting requirements of the student and site supervisor.

See additional information below for help on finding a site and registering.

Internship Resources


Langsdorf Hall 206
Hours:   Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
Phone:   (657) 278-3746
FAX:   (657) 278-1217
eMail:   CICE @
Mail:   P.O. Box 6830
Fullerton CA 92834-6830


Students should be aware of the following restrictions when seeking suitable academic internships.

Independent Contractor (1099) Positions

Individuals employed as individual contractors are hired specifically because they already possess the knowledge and expertise to provide services. This runs counter to the notion of an internship which is intended, by design, to provide training to individuals who are new to the field.

Administrative or Sales lead generation

Positions that consist primarily of administrative tasks or of contacting prospective clients to sell products or services will not be approved as they are incompatible with degree-level programming. 

Insufficient Supervision, Mentorship or Training.

Positions that lack consistent oversight and mentorship of students and expect students to act independently. This includes situations where a supervisor lacks the expertise in the domain of work in which the internship will function. A suitably experienced supervisor is critical for a successful internship.

Marijuana/Cannabis Industries

CSUF will not accept postings for employment, internships, or similar positions with companies that are involved in the production, possession, distribution, marketing or use of marijuana. Marijuana remains a Schedule I controlled substance under federal law; as a recipient of federal funds, CSUF must comply with federal law, including the Drug-Free Schools and Comminutes Act and Drug Free Workplace Act.

Academic Internships Outside the U.S.

At present, internships outside the U.S. are heavily restricted and there is no guarantee that such internships will be approved. If you are considering an internship outside the U.S. you must contact CICE a minimum of 3 months prior to the semester in which you wish to conduct the internship.

Avoiding Scams: General Tips for Students

Although CICE follows risk management-approved policies for reviewing academic internships and service-learning, we cannot guarantee that all placement situations are accurately represented in what the entity has posted. When seeking a placement site (in Titan Connection or another website), it is very important for you to educate yourself about potential scams. Here are some indications that a position is probably fraudulent:

  • The promise of a large salary for very little work -- especially those that state thousands of dollars of income per month with little or no experience required.
  • Positions that ask you to give credit card or bank account numbers, or copies of personal documents.
  • Positions that ask you to send payment by wire service or courier.
  • Positions in which you are offered a large payment or reward in exchange for allowing the use of your bank account -- often for depositing checks or transferring money.

If you suspect a position is fraudulent, please contact the CICE office. If you believe you are the victim of fraud resulting from a job listing, please contact the local police as well.


Need Help?

If you have questions or concerns about internships or your site, please contact CICE. We are here to help!

Cal State Fullerton will not tolerate acts of discrimination or harassment based upon Protected Classes, or related retaliation against or by any employee or student. For information, contacts, complaints and procedures please see the CSUF Office of Civil Rights and EquityOpens in new window pages.

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This site is maintained by Center for Internships & Community Engagement.

Last Updated 2/25/25

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