CSUF Biology Alumni Profiles

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Included below are links to profiles of several recent alumni. We aim to provide a dynamic list of alumni with wide-ranging career paths to illustrate some of the diverse career options available to our majors. We are always looking for alumni to add to these profiles; if you are interested in being featured on this page please contact Dr. Hoese (bhoese@tsunoi-toso.com).

Teaching:  Teaching is a rewarding and challenging career that many of our biology majors pursue. 

picture of Fernando VargasFernando Vargas, San Bernardino Unified School District

Picture of Candice AguirreCandice Aguirre, Biology Teacher, Marin's Community School

Graduate/Professional School: Many CSUF Biology students catch the "research bug" and go on to graduate school (Masters or Ph.D.). Many others pursue careers in medicine.

Picture of Jose OsteriaJose Osteria, Medical Student, Burrell College of Osteopathic Medicine

Ecology and Organismal Biology Fields: CSUF graduates work in diverse fields with governmental agencies, non-profits, environmental consulting companies, and other businesses.

picture of Mauricio GomezMauricio Gomez, Biologist, Chambers Group, Inc.

Picture of Emily Sanchez Emily Sanchez,  Scientist, Texas Non-Point Source Pollution Program

Picture of Jennifer TurnerJennifer Turner,

Environmental Scientist, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife

Cellular and Molecular Biology Fields: CSUF Alumni often conduct research in company laboratories and are also involved in product production and marketing.

Picture of Caitlin Harris Caitlin Harris , Researcher, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics, UCLA

Picture of Jason NewmarkJason Newmark, Biopharma- ceutical Scientist, Gilead Sciences

Picture of Jordan RuggieriJordan Ruggieri, Regional Marketing Manager, Fortune 500 Biotech Co.

Picture of Kristina Reyes Kristina Reyes , Stability Project Cooridinator, Fujifilm Irvine Scientific


Picture of Nicole RatibNicole Ratib, Simons Post-doctoral Fellow, Marine & Env Biol Dept, USC

Picture of Kristofer SerranoKristofer Serrano
, Clinical Lab Scientist, Department of Molecular Pathology, UCI Medical Center

Health Professions Fields: CSUF Biology alumni frequently pursue careers in medically related fields.

Picture of Tejal PatelTejal Patel, Supervising Staff Pharmacist, Compounding Pharmacy

Picture of Long NgoLong Ngo, Optomitrist in Orange County